
Online Food Ordering Web & Mobile Apps

Custom e-commerce platform for web and mobile specialized on food ordering. One-step checkout, saved credit cards, customized offers and products are just some of the many features of the platform.
Mobile App: Ionic Framework, Angular, JavaScript, Firebase.
Website: Angular, Angular Material, JavaScript, Firebase
Total users: 100000+
Total orders / day: 1500+
Monthly actives: 40000+

Online Food Ordering Web & Mobile Apps

The platform supports multiple restaurants with a custom branded experience for each one.

Online Food Ordering Web & Mobile Apps

The Driver App allows the delivery agent to manage his orders, is integrated with navigation apps like Google Maps or Waze for easy routing and gives real-time tracking information to the client.

Online Food Ordering Web & Mobile Apps

Some features of the platform include:
iOS & Android Mobile apps.
Multi restaurant support.
Full CMS for menu and look with highly configurable products & options.
Integrated online billing with options to save credit card info for reuse.
Group order optimized for offices.
UX tested & optimized with real user tests.
Real-time order tracking support with custom delivery agent app.
Real-time product availability information.

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